Tips to Avoid Injury During Outdoor Activities

Summer means that we all get to spend most of our time outdoors doing what we love most. Unfortunately, our bodies are susceptible to injuries as we enjoy these outdoor activities. Westport Chiropractic and Acupuncture treat these personal injuries daily and get our patients back on track quickly. Back pain, neck pain, and general muscle pain are among the many conditions our chiropractors treat. While we can treat these injuries, we also offer tips to help you avoid injuries during your outdoor activities.

Stretch before any physical activity

The key to avoiding injuries while participating in outdoor activities is stretching your muscles beforehand. Stretching warms up your muscles, improves flexibility, and increases your range of motion.

Drink plenty of fluids

Staying hydrated is essential in keeping your muscles functioning properly. Dehydration causes nausea, fatigue, and cramping with lasting soreness. Water always keeps your body temperature regulated, so the heat does not harm your health. Always have plenty of water while engaging in outdoor activities.

Wear protective gear 

Many outdoor activities are much safer when you use protective gear. For example, when jogging, wear proper shoes for running. It’s also important to wear a helmet when biking on and off-road.

Take note of your surroundings

Always look around your surroundings when doing outdoor activities. Keep your eyes on potential hazards and obstacles like tree roots.

Rest when necessary

Pay attention to your body. Your body will always send you signals that can help you prevent an injury. Rest when necessary. Overuse injuries are common when you don’t listen to your body.

Visit Us for Chiropractic Care this Summer in Westport, CT

Learning how to prevent injuries can help you stay fit and remain comfortable throughout your outdoor activities. However, if you experience an injury this summer, don’t hesitate to seek chiropractic care for non-invasive treatment. For residents in Westport and its surroundings, schedule an appointment with Westport Chiropractic and Acupuncture for personalized care.


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