Ever Suffered From a Work Injury?

If You Have Suffered From a Work Injury, Contact the Premier Chiropractor in Westport for Recovery

Anyone can experience a workplace injury, and you don't have to work a dangerous job to end up with a work injury. Many people want to get back to full health as soon as they can after they are hurt. At Westport Chiropractic and Acupuncture, we can help you achieve those goals. If you are unsure about how to pay for your work or auto injury treatment we can help you navigate the insurance with a work injury attorney in Westport. We can help you get your life back to normal with full-service chiropractic care in and around Westport.


At Westport Chiropractic and Acupuncture We Can Help You Heal from These Common Work Injury Pains

A work injury can be more than just a sudden accident. Sudden accidents are work injuries that need treatment just like prolonged work injuries, but prolonged work injuries occur over time and can get to the point where the employee cannot even work if they continue the motion. These pains include,

Lifting: Lifting items can cause injuries if not done correctly, if it is done too quickly, or if you lift beyond your weight limit. If you experience pain from lifting our expert chiropractic care can address the exact location and work to heal you from there.

Repetitive Movement: Problems ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to tennis elbow can occur from repetitive motion if the worker does not use proper form. We can help you heal and learn better form.

Posture: incorrect posture while working a shift for several hours can cause chronic pain, even if your job seems benign with little potential for injury. We can help you heal and learn a better way to stand and sit.

Sudden injuries from a hazard at your workplace or human error are common as well and need urgent treatment. If you have experienced work injuries caused by daily activities or sudden accident it is vital that you get treatment for your injuries so you can get back in the game. Chiropractic treatment is a great course of action and we help improve the health of people every day who experience various injuries.

Contact us for Your Appointment

Call us at Westport Chiropractic and Acupuncture to discuss your options for healing from a work or auto injury. We are experienced in working with work injury cases and proudly serve Westport and the surrounding areas. (203) 227-4474


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Westport Office


7:00 am-6:15 pm


1:00 pm-5:30 pm


7:00 am-6:15 pm


7:00 am-11:30 am


7:00 am-4:30 pm


7:15 am-11:30 am

